Dogon Carved Stool, 10-12"
A symbol of blessing Originating from the famous cliff regions of Mali, West Africa, the Dogon stool is a highly symbolic African piece. About 1000 years ago, Dogon tribesmen fought off Muslim invaders and since then have maintained their traditional heritage to a higher degree than most modern Africans. Surprisingly comfortable and a fabulous conversation piece. The seat of the stool is supported by carved figures of women with their hands uplifted. If rain or other blessings from the unseen world are needed, the women of the village will go into the bush and hold their hands in the air for long periods of time. This brings about rain or other desired blessings. Symbollically, by sitting on this stool the same effect is achieved as the women holding their hands in the air. 10" tall and 7" wide. Made in Mali